Net Neutrality Disclosure
This document outlines plans available and metrics related to them. Information is general and can vary from property to property based on a multitude of factors outside of our control:
Users' devices and their capabilities
The programs running on the devices
Proximity to WiFi networks
The capacity of the wireless network
Internet congestion
Line condition
Surrounding attenuation
Standard rate plans are shown below, where available
More details can be found here: BB Labels

* Per FCC's "2015 Broadband Progress Report",
* Overall accounts speeds are calculated based on an aggregate of 3 device online at the same time, attaining their maximum download and upload rates. Burst rates may go beyond these rates are not included in this estimate and can vary.
* Upload figures can variy by area.
Upload/Download Speeds are up-to estimates. Rates can be lower than these figures and rely on a number of factors outside our control (see above). Contact Astound FastMesh Support for information on RSSI (received signal), and signal improvement. Signal improvement is not implicit in service. Service tickets must be opened to attain a full refund of service, within 5 days of account creation. Refunds are not available on services before a service ticket has been opened. Signal improvement may be complimentary via Astound FastMesh engineering requests or via a Astound FastMesh approved router purchased by user.
Network Management
The descriptions in this network management section are for informational purposes only and may be changed at any time.
How this information is governed by terms and conditions?
Your Customer Agreement governs the use of Astound FastMesh services. Nothing in this guide serves to change your rights and obligations, or ours, under any Astound FastMesh terms of service or other policies. Similarly, nothing in this Network Management section creates any contract or binding obligation on the part of Astound FastMesh.
How this information is governed by terms and conditions?
Your Customer Agreement governs the use of Astound FastMesh services. Nothing in this guide serves to change your rights and obligations, or ours, under any Astound FastMesh terms of service or other policies. Similarly, nothing in this Network Management section creates any contract or binding obligation on the part of Astound FastMesh.
How does Astound FastMesh manage congestion?
An individual user's experience can vary depending upon many factors, including the Service Plan/Tier they select, the network the customer is using, the user’s device in use, customer location, and access through a wireless connection; data rates are not guaranteed.
Data rates are available where device RSSI is -55db or higher / MCS 5 or higher using 802.11ax or 802.11ac protocols. Building materials can affect device signal. Contact support for an evaluation.
We do our best to optimize and provide dedicated connectivity over WiFi. Astound FastMesh has implemented optimization technologies across its networks to transmit data in a more efficient manner to allow available network capacity to benefit the greatest number of users. These techniques include rate limiting based on the table above / service tier purchased, filtering out-of-form packets to reduce errors, filtering known internet threats, sites known to be malicious, or distributing illegal content at the network edge.
Astound FastMesh does not affirmatively manage congestion on the network through mechanisms such as real-time throttling beyond the service tier purchased, blocking, or dropping of specific end user traffic based on source or content. The speed of the service may vary based on network or internet congestion, your computer configuration, the condition of your wiring line and the wiring inside your location, among other factors.
What security measures has Astound FastMesh deployed?
Astound FastMesh guards against traffic patterns that appear to be associated with disruptive or malicious intent. Astound FastMesh does not block lawful traffic based on content or subject. Occasionally, cases arise where Astound FastMesh must make a judgment, determining that the value of protecting our network from malicious or other adverse, network-impacting traffic outweighs access issues experienced by a few. Astound FastMesh filters a limited number of internet addresses and ports that are disruptive or malicious. This is based on our own analysis and third-party intelligence. Astound FastMesh does not block sites based on content or subject, unless the internet address hosts unlawful content.
Does Astound FastMesh allow consumers to use non-branded devices and applications?
You may activate devices that Astound FastMesh has certified to be compatible with its network, including devices not purchased directly from Astound FastMesh. If you did not purchase your device from Astound FastMesh, please be aware that certification of a device for use on the Astound FastMesh network does not mean that Astound FastMesh has made any determination as to the connection quality or other functionality provided by the device.
User devices may not support specific applications. Astound FastMesh does not warranty or guarantee device compatibility and function. Users should investigate the capabilities and functions of any device before buying it to determine whether it supports the applications that they want to use.
How does Astound FastMesh manage applications like email?
Access to email services are third party. Email services provided by a third party will be governed by the email provider's terms of service, as well as the email provider's applicable privacy, email, security and anti-spam policies.
How can customers who have concerns or questions about their Internet Access Services contact Astound FastMesh?
User can contact Astound FastMesh at, please specify your location, building name, and Astound FastMesh username in your inquiry.
Locations that have amenity WiFi provided by Astound FastMesh typically have service tiers that match Astound FastMesh publicly available plans of FastMesh Pro and Pro Plus. Contact with your building location to find out what plan is provided at your location. Upgrades are made available in select locations.